Tests and treatments

Sleeve gastrectomy

What is it?

What is it?

For this restrictive procedure, approximately 60 to 85% of the stomach is removed. This results in a tube-like stomach or sleeve of approximately 100 to 150 cc that ensures less food can be ingested. Additionally, the portion of the stomach that produces ghrelin (the hunger hormone) is removed so that the person feels less hunger.

Who qualifies?

Who qualifies?
  • Volume eaters who do not have reflux or hiatal hernia
  • Extremely obese patients, as a first surgical step to prepare for gastric bypass. The advantage of a sleeve gastrectomy in comparison to a gastric bypass is that no dumping can occur, as the stomach exit remains intact. However, sleeve surgery is not reversible.



The most important risks are staple-line leaks, abscess or bleeding. In the long term, vitamin deficiencies may occur. Weight may increase again too, if an unhealthy lifestyle is maintained after the procedure.



After 12 months, an average weight loss of up to 30% is expected.

Cost estimate

Cost estimate
This information is not available at the moment, please contact facturatie@mijnziekenhuis.be to make this estimate.

Centres and specialist areas

Centres and specialist areas

Latest publication date: 16/01/2024