1. Specialisation: Eye Clinic Choose another specialisation

2. Physician: Dr Witters Julie Choose another physician Not covered by agreement with the health insurance fund

3. Schedule your appointment

Do you have a fever combined with a cold, cough or breathing difficulties? Do not make your appointment online, but contact Dr Witters' secretariat by phone on 09 387 74 83.

Online appointment

Limit your search results
Look for an appointment on or after
Preferred day(s) and time
  • Physician



Consult schedule

Consultations: outpatients clinic ground floor

To avoid long waits on the phone, book your appointment online.

Time monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
Morning - - -
Afternoon - Even weeks - - -

Consultations Drongen

Time monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday
Morning - - - - -
Afternoon - - - - -