What is it?
What is it?Using ultrasound imaging, the radiologist makes transverse sections through the body. The device uses sound waves for the imaging. The technique is also used to make targeted injections into tendons and joints and to take tissue samples (biopsy) from organs or lesions.
The most common application is the evaluation of the abdominal organs. The examination of muscles, connective tissue and blood vessels is also an importance use of ultrasound.
Course of the procedure
Course of the procedurePreparation for the test
- For abdominal tests, you must be fasting:
Type of food: Example: Allowed until at the latest: Normal meal midnight before the surgery or examination Light meal e.g. a sandwich or toast with jam. Deep-fried/fatty foods or meat are not included six hours prior to the procedure or examination Dairy products Milk, bottle-feeding for a child, yogurt... six hours prior to the procedure or exam Breastfeeding four hours prior to the procedure or examination Drinks As wished: water, sugar water, sports drinks, clear fruit juices without pulp (apple juice, grape juice)
Maximum a cup: clear tea and coffee without milk
.Recommended: continue to drink up to two hours before the procedure or examination
(Exceptions: gastrointestinal surgery. You should follow the instructions of your attending physician).
No milk products
- For tests of the pelvic area, you must have a full bladder.
- For an ultrasound of the prostate, yoiu must have done an intestinal preparation. Your physician will provide you with more information.
Centres and specialist areas
Centres and specialist areas
Latest publication date: 16/05/2024
Supervising author: Dr Schoofs Christophe