Comprehensive diabetes test
What is it?
What is it?It is very important to detect and treat gestational diabetes in good time. Around a gestational age of 24 - 28 weeks , the gynaecologist will request a diabetes test. You drink a sugary beverage and, an hour later, your blood glucose level is checked. If blood sugar is elevated (more than 130mg/dl), the physician will request a comprehensive sugar test or oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) .
Course of the procedure
Course of the procedure- This test requires an appointment at the Blood Collection Department.
- You need to be fasting .
- First, you will have an initial blood draw.
- Then, you will drink the sugary beverage completely, be sure to do so within 5 minutes.
- Afterwards, you may not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum for two hours. Stay seated in the waiting room and remain calm.
- Blood will be drawn againafter 1 hour and after 2 hours .
Centres and specialist areas
Centres and specialist areas
Latest publication date: 13/08/2024
Supervising author: Apr. Biol. Baetens Dimitri