Tests and treatments


When is it indicated?

When is it indicated?

Varicose veins, which are common, are attributed to dilated veins.

Symptoms include:

  • heavy legs
  • leg swelling (often around the ankles)
  • cramps
  • tingling in the legs

Oftentimes, superficial veins dilate, which creates an aesthetic problem.

Dermatological treatment

Dermatological treatment

As dermatologists, we can use injections to get rid of the small, superficial blue veins that form a tree-shaped structure in the skin (scleroses). If you have deeper, larger and wider varicose veins, it is recommended that you see a vascular surgeon (and, if applicable, with venous duplex)

Injections or scleroses of superficial varicose veins can only be performed during the winter. Avoid exposing the treated areas to the sun for up to six weeks after the procedure to avoid skin discoloration.

Practical information

Practical information
  • If you have an appointment for scleroses, bring your own compression stockings with you.
    • The length of the compression stockings: from toe to thigh (preferably class 2).
    • You will put them on immediately after the procedure.
    • They should be kept on for 24 hours afterwards.
  • Wait 24 hours before showering.
  • Wear the compression stockings day and night for the first week after the treatment.
  • Only wear the stockings during the day during the second week after the treatment (from the time you get up until you go to bed).
  • For two weeks, avoid hot baths, saunas, running, jumping sports and swimming. You may walk and cycle.

Centres and specialist areas

Centres and specialist areas

Latest publication date: 04/01/2024