Interventional Radiology
What is it?
What is it?Interventional radiology is a subdiscipline within radiology, which consists of minimally invasive procedures using state-of-the-art medical imaging techniques. This is used for diagnostic as well as treatment purposes for various conditions of each organ system.
Such a minimally invasive approach allows for a smaller risk for complications, less pain after the procedure, as well as a faster recovery in comparison with a classic surgery.
With the aid of ultrasound, X-rays and CT scans, instruments and materials are guided through the skin to the right place. These procedures are usually performed under local anaesthesia and on an outpatient basis.
There is a wide variety of conditions that can be considered for a minimally invasive procedure.
The evaluation, treatment, post-operative care and follow-up is provided by the interventional radiologist, and in close cooperation with the referring physician so that an optimal longitudinal care (examination over a longer duration) can be guaranteed.
For professionals
For professionalsBelow we give an overview of the sort of tests and treatments of this sort that we are able to offer. This information is intended for physicians and GPs.
Interventional oncology (IO)
- Treatment:
- chemo-embolisation (DEB-TACE)
- SIRT (selective internal radiation therapy) with Y-90
- percutaneous ablation of tumours (RFA, MWA, cryoablation)
- Supportive procedures:
- biopsy (percutaneous, transjugular) of the liver, kidney, adrenals, lungs, bone, etc.
- drains (pleural effusion, ascites) +/- tunnelled indwelling catheters (PleurX, Tenckhoff)
- treatment of malignant stenoses using drainage/stenting (e.g. gall bladder drainage, nephrostomy)
- venous access: PICC, arm port
- venous ports emobilisation before liver surgery
Gynaecological conditions
- Embolisation of uterine fibroids (UFE)
- Treatment of adenymyosis
- Treatment of pelvic varicose veins (pelvic congestive syndrome)
Vascular pathology
- Classic diagnostic angiography (visceral, cerebral, etc.)
- Dilatation and stenting of arteries and veins
- Treatment of (visceral) aneurysmata
- Treatment of varicoceles
- TIPSS and embolisation of visceral varicose veins (BRTO)
- Pre-operative embolisation of blood vessels
- Embolisation for gastrointestinal bleeding
- Treatment of haemoptysis
- Treatment of severe pulmonary emboli by thrombectomy
- CVA treatment - mechanical cerebral thrombectomy
Non-vascular pathology
- Percutaneous draining (and sclerotherapy) of cysts, lymphococeles, seromas, abscesses
- Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) with stenting drainage
- Percutaneous nephrostomy
- Percutaneous radiographic gastrostomy (PRG), percutaneous (gastro)ileostomy, percutaneous caecostomy
- Vertebroplasty
- Percutaneous extraction (intravascular) of a foreign body
- Complex intra-articular injection (incl. atlanto-dental, dorsal facet infiltrations, n. pudendus injection)
ContactA consultation with the interventional radiologist can be scheduled with:
Latest publication date: 13/08/2024