Tests and treatments


What is it?

What is it?
Dr Veramme performs the procedure with a dermatoscope.
Dr Veramme performs the procedure with a dermatoscope.

During dermatoscopy, skin disorders are studied using a dermatoscope. This is a magnifying lens with a built-in light source.

The device has two modes: polarised and non-polarised, depending on whether the surface or the depth of the lesion is being examined.

This device is an important tool for the dermatologist. You will see that the physician often picks it up and then positions it very precisely on your skin abnormality. This way, they can determine whether pigmentation spots are benign or malignant.

Sometimes a gel is inserted between the skin and the glass plate.

The dermatoscope is as important to the dermatologist as the stethoscope is to the GP or cardiologist.

When is it indicated?

When is it indicated?
  • Especially useful for moles
  • Increasingly used for various skin and hair disorders

Centres and specialist areas

Centres and specialist areas

Latest publication date: 04/01/2024